Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Made in the USA

It has long been known that, if you have time on your hands,  your CDs and DVDs can be manufactured overseas at rock-bottom pricing. If you're looking for a commodity product, and you plan to submit an order and let it run its course with fingers crossed, perhaps you won’t mind if your discs are made in a foreign country. 

But what about the relationship?

Are you going to call China the day before your project ships because you want to change the shipping information?  How will you deal with different time zones? Language barriers? Oh, and let's not forget our speedy friends in customs and all the additional paperwork that international shipments require.

Frankly, those are merely the simplest issues that arise when you work with overseas manufacturers. Consider the ramifications of having your discs manufactured in countries notorious for intellectual property pirates.  The issue of intellectual property theft is so vital that the president of the United States spoke on the subject in his state of the union message on January 24.

Our optical media is replicated in house - in America - under our strict supervision in our facility employing over 150 team members. We use American suppliers and vendors, and we believe in keeping our revenue – and our payroll – here at home.

We strive to be strong pillars within our community. We’re actively engaged in multiple initiatives to benefit local charities and nonprofits.  We do so not out of a sense of duty.  We do so out of a sense of gratitude. Gratitude for our dedicated team...gratitude for our suppliers...and gratitude -  most of all - for our loyal and committed customers.  

We're awfully proud to be an American manufacturer - and we're awfully proud to be of service to you.

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